Уничтожение тараканов, или дезинсекция, включает в себя комплекс мер
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Подробнее...We kennel is engaged in breeding of following breeds – English mastiff and an English bulldog www.bulldog.su.
Owner kennel "MASTIFFHILLS" - Mrs. Golnikova Svetlana
History kennel "MASTIFFHILLS"
Idea to be engaged in professional breeding of dogs has come not at once. In the beginning we as well as others were the simple fans, decided to get for the house of beautiful and imposing dogs of breed English mastiff. Mastiffs - one of the most convenient breeds in the maintenance for a country life and dialogue with children and on these quiet and counterbalanced giants we also have stopped the choice. We have bought the first mastiffs in France as in this country the given breed not only is popular but also as is exposed to strict selection on quality of health, character and an ex-terrier.
We wished to have at home not simply bright representatives of breed, but the main thing - animals with absolutely steady mentality and excellent health. All managed to be carried out it, having bought in France in leaders kennels four excellent puppies mastiffs.
Our first dogs – brindle colour male CH VOLTAIRE DE LA LOUVAGERIE bought in kennel "LOUVAGERIE", the fawn colour male VERSAL DES CHENAIES DE COM PYSTOU bought in kennel "COM PYSTOU" and two sisters brindle colour and fawn colour CH VALRHONA BRULLEMAIL and CH VENUS-BEAUTE BRULLEMAIL, bought in the best the European kennel "BRULLEMAIL".
Acquisition of these two last dogs in a consequence has translated us from the category in fans in professionals. CH VALRHONA BRULLEMAIL and CH VENUS-BEAUTE BRULLEMAIL it is literally right after arrival to Russia became stars of rings winning one for another all new and new Dog Show. The highest quality of these animals, their unique pedigree qualities have forced us seriously to reflect on the installer of the professional kennel which is engaged in breeding of dogs of given breed. Having made of such decision, in 2004, we had been officially registered professional kennel "MASTIFFHILLS" and we have obtained the permit to professional breeding.
In 2005 in Hungary, in kennel "KOROSDOMBI", we had been got young fawn colour dog CH KOROSDOMBI LYON, subsequently become to one of the most titled for all history of breed mastiff. CH KOROSDOMBI LYON, became the first Russian dog received a title of the Champion of England, 2 multiple winner of the World championship of 2005-2006, the winner of the European championship of 2005, the winner of Specialised Dog Show of National clubs – Hungary, Russia, Finland, France, Germany, winner Best in Show in Switzerland (Lausanne 2005), the Champion of 15 countries, the owner 25 CACIB.
CH KOROSDOMBI LYON- outstanding mastiff the time and simply excellent friend for us its owners.
The second litter has been received too from CH VALRHONA BRULLEMAIL and the Italian Champion CH CARLO MAGNO DEL FRACASSO (Ch EUR 2007, INT CH, MULTI Ch, Ch ITA, Ch HRV, Italian Club Social Champion, Ch Dell ' Emilia, JCh SMR, Nederland Club Champion, Slovenian Molosser Club Champion, French Club Champion). In total in litter there were 9 puppies. Two puppies as have been left in ours kennel the – fawn colour bitch CH MASTIFFHILLS WINTER SHANDA (JCh RUS, Ch RUS, JCh Nationality Club Mastiff Russia) and fawn colour dog CH MASTIFFHILLS WURREL CROSS (JCh RUS, JCh Nationality Club Mastiff Russia, Ch RUS, Ch Nationality Club Mastiff Russia, GRAND Ch RUS, JCH WW ’ 08, EUR ’ 08 Ch, Ch HUN, Ch National Mastiff Club of Hungary, 8xBIS, and as the numerous winner International Dog Show and National Specialized Dog Show: International Dog Show EURAZIA-2008, Russia (BJ, BOB); French Annual Open Dog Show, France, Lyon (BJ); INTERNATIONAL SWEDISH CLUB SHOW, Sweden, Stockholm (Best Junior, BOS); WORLD DOG SHOW 2008, Sweden, Stockholm (Best Junior, JWW, CAC, BOB); INTERNATIONAL DOG SHOW, Poland, Sopot (CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG, BIS); France National English Mastiff Dog Show (BOB); European Dog Show 2008, Hungry, Budapest (CAC, CACIB, BOB, European Champion) etc.) . Received as a result of this pairing mastiffs, practically all are Champions, all of them unconditional leaders on rings. Especially it would be desirable to note a young dog left in our kennel - CH MASTIFFHILLS WURREL CROSS. In 2008, this young dog became the winner of 8 Best in Show, 2 times became reserve winner Best in Show, 9 times were won by Best in group. CH MASTIFFHILLS WURREL CROSS from a class of juniors became the Best of Breed in the WorldDogSHow of 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden, has won three specialised Dog Show of National clubs of Sweden, France and Russia.